Welcome to my Bugeye project

Welcome to my latest project. I am building a 1959 Austin Healey Bugeye Sprite with a little twist. I'm putting in a 3.0 V-6 SHO engine.
Be sure to check back for updates on the progress and please leave a comment if you have any questions, feedback or advice for me.


Painting the engine

This weekends plan was to paint the engine, some brackets and the exhaust. i got two out of three done. not bad.

Here is the before picture of the engine
Here is the after
It came out extremely nice. I was very happy with it.
I forgot how messy painting car parts and such were. Its been a while. I used POR-15 for the engine and brackets. Its not cheap, but i'm more than impressed with the end results and would use it again in the future.

I got the block and brackets painted, but not the exhaust. My air compressor blew a leak in not one, but two air hoses so i had to fix those. I got one fixed tonight. Need another trip to the store to fix the other and i can get the sand blaster back up and running and finish blasting the second header so i can get those painted.


Anonymous | April 23, 2008 at 12:50 AM

Hey Ben,
Looks good so far. I only have one comment though. You may regret painting the block black. If (and when) you get an oil leak you're going to have a hard time tracing it due to the color. But other than that it looks great to me. Chris

Ben.. | April 23, 2008 at 8:04 AM

Good point Chris

but it will also HIDE my oil leaks as well! ;-) (hopefully)